Friday, January 1, 2010

Left Out

just when I think I don't know what's going on, I am able to reconnect with some of those I love the most. it never ceases to amaze me how much I love my friends. not only for their strength, but for those traits they bring to my life that I, myself, may not possess yet. I am inspired, not only by them, but by the individuals I work with. when I really think about it, my problems seem so small in comparison.

I watched today as a friend cried for me. I guess I can be so unaware about my MS, that I don't really think about what I am truly saying. there is the fear that I will one day wake up and not be able to see or walk. however, there is always the hope that this will never happen and, if it does, my vision or physical ability will come back in an un-predetermined amount of time. I tend to be a bit flippant about these things that her tears really brought me back to center. a reality check is good from time to time...

I believe in the beauty of the moment...


  1. Thanks love. Need all the support I can get right now. Time to rally my girls!! :-)
