Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Medifast Has Taught Me

I have tried nearly every diet in the book. And every diet in the book set me up for failure. It's not that their product or technique didn't work, it just didn't work FOR ME. I remember when I first went on Medifast. I had no confidence in myself (or the diet for that matter), I was severely depressed b/c I was miserable and lonely. I had basically crawled into myself and wanted to hibernate the rest of my life away. I was using food to numb out all these feelings that I didn't want to experience. I have used food most my life when I'm happy, sad, mad, or scared. I suspect many of you can relate?
What Medifast allowed me to do was see that I have choices in my life. No matter what the circumstance, there are always choices and there are always natural consequences. After I started losing weight, I started to have more confidence in myself (and the program). I started to say 'no' to people and 'yes' to my life. I'm pretty sure I have angered some people along the way, but that happens when you stand up for yourself and start setting boundaries.
I learned that I am beautiful and worthy of having love. I learned that I am good enough. I don't have to be perfect. "Perfection" is a word that sets people up for failure (I also think "normal" is as well). I can be me and I can make mistakes while being me. I now give myself permission to take time out for self-care (i.e, exercise, massage, acupuncture, etc.). I realize that I HAVE to put myself first, but not in a self-centered, narcissistic way. I have become 'self-focused' in order to love myself and be a healthy wife, daughter, friend, cousin, therapist, and eventually mother (some day).
I have learned so much these past few years. I have been tested over and over again, to brink of insanity sometimes. My clients teach me the most though. Just when I think I've had enough, I hear their stories of survival from some pretty awful trauma. I think, "If they can do it, I can do it." Living my life (and I mean LIVING, not EXISTING) is a choice I make each day when I wake up.
What do you choose for yourself today?
Blessings on your journey to finding your happiness and who you are,

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